Yin Energy offers a massage therapy treatment program for women that reduces the effects of stress. The focus of each session is on relaxation and healing the mind, the body and the spirit.
Many minor aches and pains that develop into chronic aches and pains are caused by mental stress. And many people live with daily stress. Work, home, family, friends, finances, health, politics, the news, social media... life is stressful. But you get used to the daily stress. And then you wake up with a new pain in your shoulder or your neck or your back.
You think to yourself, "What did I do yesterday?" No injuries. No falls. No bumps. "I must have slept funny." But then a few months passes. Summer quickly turns into fall, and then it begins to snow. You still have the neck pain, but it doesn't hurt as much now. The reality is, the condition of your neck is worse. You just got used to the pain.
Eventually you can't do certain things anymore without feeling pain. And because you can't do those things, other parts of your body become affected and start to hurt. Eventually you feel a pain that hurts enough for you to see a doctor, but they will only give you pain blockers, which don't actually fix the problem that is causing the pain.
And what is the problem that started this downward spiral? Stress.
Science shows that stress can even make you sick. It weakens your immune system to a point where your body can't fight off colds or other more serious illnesses. We've all heard about the people who die from heart attacks due to stress. Stress can be a killer. But it has become our "norm".
Massage Therapy cannot remove the stressful elements in your life. But getting a massage on "a regular basis" can definitely help improve your mental state, which can help prevent stress from developing into a physical pain or illness. But what is "a regular basis"?
Each person is different, based on the level of stress in their lives. Some of my clients don't seem to be overwhelmed by stress in their lives, so they get a massage once a month for maintenance. Some of my clients have highly stressful jobs, and they need a massage once a week. And then I have clients who get a massage every 2 weeks or every 3 weeks, depending on their daily stress level.
Not everyone has the time or money for a massage every 2 weeks. Until they're in pain. Until they can't do their jobs or an activity they love to do. That's usually when massage therapy becomes a priority. Getting a massage a few times a year can definitely help to relax you, and may even relieve muscle aches due to working out or yard work. But the effects are temporary.
I want my clients to live their best lives. In order to do that, they must view massage therapy as part of their health routine and not just a special treat. I know it feels really good, and all you have to do is lie there and let me do the work. But it really can improve your state of mind and how your body feels.